
New Discovery in Human Dynamics Reveals...

The Proven Marriage & Parenting Solution to Build a 

Rock-Solid Relationship & Bring Harmony To Your Home

With NO Pleasing, NO Compromising, and NO Therapy

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Our Proven Results!

In a 6-Year Study of Student Results
Our RelationshipU® Students Had a 1% Divorce Rate
& a 99% Success Rate! For all 6 Years!
For over 14 years, the Martino's Relationship Development® Method has resulted in saved marriages and healed families all around the world. The Martino's are the inventors of Relationship Development and the 100s of tools in their Relationship Development toolbox. Their programs and events have helped thousands. 

As seen on...

Your Hosts for Episodes 1-5...


Have proven that it only takes ONE partner to transform a relationship... ANY relationship!

For over 10 years, they have helped thousands of people to transform their marriages, parenting and families! (all by working with only ONE spouse.)

Through their decade-plus of profound work, the Martino’s have shown that couples work, doesn’t work; and that relationship is a skill-set and it can be learned.

The Martinos invented their Relationship Development® Methodology and 100s of proprietary tools to empower anyone to save their marriage, bring the passion back, eliminate the fighting, and bring harmony to their home.

Their RelationshipU program has had a 1% Divorce Rate and a 99% Success Rate over a 6-year study period of student results!

Those results are unheard of! And that's because... their methodology WORKS!

Tens of thousands of people have been through their programs and events. Over a million people have heard them speak.

And now the Martinos have written their book, The Missing Piece! Coming February 2025 from Hay House Publishing. 

We’ve Already Helped Thousands of Students to…

Transform Your Relationship

without pleasing,compromise, or the risk of couples therapy!

Become a Rock-Solid Team

Feel supported, connected and on the same page!

Be the Parent You Want to Be

And get peaceful cooperation from your kids!

Don't You Deserve To Be Next?!

What You'll Learn

in this master class

Get Instant Access to Episodes 1-5! Streaming Now

Episode #1: Get the Reactions You Want

What if you could pre-select the reaction you want people to have to you in any human interaction? (Spouse, Co-Workers, Family, Kids...)

And what if you could also PREVENT the reactions you HATE from other people (spouse, kids, family, co-workers)??

This would be a cool superpower to have...YES?

In Episode #1 we show you how. (this is not a trick… it’s real)
Episode #1 is Streaming Now

Episode #2: The OLD Relationship Paradigm vs The NEW

We accidentally discovered an OLD relationship paradigm that humans have been stuck in for thousands of years. But this paradigm doesn't work in Modern Day relationships. 

In fact, in Modern Day, the old paradigm BREAKS DOWN relationships. 
Come see it for yourself. 

And, we invented a CURE for it, building the new way to do Modern Day relationships, where both people can be authentically and genuinely HAPPY themselves AND also be happy together... without pleasing, without compromise and without couple's therapy! 

The BEST PART is, with our new method, it only requires ONE person to transform the relationship! Meaning, you don't have to convince your partner to do this with you in order to get the results you want in your relationship! 

In Episode #2 we show you the paradigms and the solution!
Episode #2 is Streaming Now

Episode #3: Masculine & Feminine Processing Differences

In the 14 years that Paul and I have been saving relationships, we have found that about 50% of all relationship issues are actually caused by Masculine & Feminine Processing Differences! 

These wiring differences are affecting communications between spouses, mother to son, father to daughter… and with people at work too!

In Episode #3, we show you how we created the BRIDGE needed to SOLVE the kerfuffles caused by the differences in wiring, without anyone being wrong or needing to change! 

This is an eye-opener! It was MIND-BLOWING for our students to learn what we show you in this episode!
Episode #3 is Streaming Now

Episode #4: How to Know if It’s Just Over?

Whether you need to know if it's just time to leave OR you want to feel like you have divorce-proof'd your marriage... the ANSWER is in Episode #4. 

Have you worried if love just fades over time? Or maybe you just picked wrong? How can you know if you did all you can for your marriage & family?

And what if you are on the OPPOSITE side of this? What if you want to PROTECT your marriage at all costs? Is there a way to divorce-proof a marriage? 

In Episode 4, we’re covering the dynamic of what’s actually happening and how to KNOW with certainty if your relationship is past the point of no return.

What we share in Episode 4 will also show you how to create a marriage where you feel like you are divorce-proof’d!
Episode #4 is Streaming Now!

Key #5: Living it vs Learning It

Have you ever LEARNED something but then were disappointed because your real-life didn't change? Maybe you read something in a book, but then still struggled to DO it?

There is a Human Dynamic causing this block and in Episode #5, we show you 3 ways to remove it so you can LIVE the Results You Want instead of just learning about them! 

“Speaking” happens TOO FAST to think through everything you are going to say before you say it. This is the solution to getting our methodology to become 2nd nature, so you can LIVE it each day. 

Episode #5 is Streaming Now


Here's what our students say about their results from working With Us:

 Language Warning!

In our content, programs and live events, we use ADULT language (cursing) as a strategic tool. The work that we do is beyond Relationship Education; we create Transformation. 

One of the many methods we use to do that is to use real, raw language in our work. When people "polish up" their language, they "polish up" everything and they don't get to what's real. 

We know how to get results. Our RelatioshipU Program has a 1% Divorce Rate and a 99% Success Rate. We know what we are doing and we know how to get these results repeatedly.

There is cursing in our programs and plenty of cursing and adult language at our live events. (This will never change). We use cursing strategically, and for effect, similarly to how a comedian would use cursing to create an outcome for the audience. Our cursing and adult language is never directed towards a person or group or in any way demeaning towards anyone.

If it triggers you, we invite you to please consider this...Instead of asking the world to change to not trigger you, pull out the trigger so that you are not thrown around by it. No one should go through life having a FEAR OF WORDS.  

But that is absolutely your decision to make. We encourage you to open your mind so that you, too, can get the benefits that so many others around the world already have! As we say "Everyone lives in the results of the decisions that they make. There are no exceptions."

Disclaimer: Our programs are not couple's counseling and are not intended as professional counseling, mental health, financial, or legal advice. If you require such assistance, please seek the advice of a qualified professional.
Relationship Development® is here to help!
Relationship Development® ©2023 | 2976 E State Street, Ste 120-1013, Eagle, ID 83616 | [email protected]
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Design Hacking Studios © 2021
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