Revealed: It Only Takes ONE Person To Transform a Relationship…

Revealed: It Only Takes ONE Person To Transform a Relationship…

Get Instant Access To Proven Skill Sets, Tools & Strategies To

All With NO Compromising, NO Pleasing & NO Convincing Your Partner to Do This With You!

For over 10 years, thousands of people from around the world have used this proven method to transform their relationship, create a rock-solid marriage and a harmonious household… all without couple’s therapy!

Yes, you read that right!

“Relationship is a skill set” is the “big secret” that NO ONE is telling you!

Perhaps you find that you are UNNECESSARILY SUFFERING through some of these very common & painful relationship dynamics…

  • Fighting with your partner, too often, even about Little Things! Money, work, kids, who left the bread tag on the counter - you name it! It used to be that the fights only happened every so often, now it seems you can’t get through a week or sometimes a day, without an argument…so you walk on eggshells and add more and more topics to your “we don’t talk about that” list.
  • Feeling alone in your relationship…where you and your partner may live in the same house and be raising the same kids, but it’s like you’re living separate lives. Maybe you feel you get more support from people outside your marriage than you do from your partner.
  • Doing EVERYTHING in your relationship while your partner NEGLECTS to pull their weight… you feel like you GIVE more than you GET. You take care of everything. Make sure everything gets done. And still you get either criticism from them or they don’t lift a finger to help out. 
  • You don’t see things eye to eye…no matter how clear you are, no matter how much you explain, no matter how much your friends all agree with YOU, your partner just isn’t on the same page with you. It sometimes gets to the point where you wonder if you are just too different.
  • The passion has fizzled. Maybe you can’t even remember the last time you and your partner were intimate…you may even still be friendly, but the passion and fire are GONE (or, if you are still intimate with your partner, but it’s just another lukewarm to-do list item instead of hot, steamy, and exciting)
  • You cannot make your partner happy no matter what you do…and everything you do and say seems to piss them off, so you’ve either given up trying to please them, or you’re THIS close to saying “Screw It and Screw You!!”
  • You are broken-hearted over the loss of harmony in your household… each day you hope it will be better, but then something happens to cause more Kerfuffles or more Silence, and you are worried about what your kids are over-hearing or what effect this is having on them.
  • No matter how hard you have tried, you just can’t get past the betrayals or disappointments of the past… you have tried to let it go a million times, but it sneaks back up and you find yourself thrown around by the memories of the past and fears of it repeating in the future. 
  • You’re already headed for a divorce…and you’re worried about what it’s going to do to you and your kids and you need help collaborating so you can create a peaceful co-parenting arrangement.

If you’re suffering with ANY of these dynamics, you've probably tried things to fix it already…

You may have tried couple’s therapy, but it either didn’t fix anything, or it made your relationship WORSE!!

Why the Old & Broken relationship advice is FAILING you!

There is no shortage of relationship “advice” out there. You can find it:

  • In books
  • From couple’s therapists 
  • From online memes
  • ​In YouTube videos
  • From family and friends
  • ​From Internet searches
  • ​From podcasts

…ALL of it old, broken GARBAGE that doesn’t work!

Think about it… we have access to LOADS of information and yet our current DIVORCE RATES are averaging 50% for 1st marriages, in the 60%s for 2nd marriages and even HIGHER for 3rd and above.

The old & broken relationship advice is JUST. NOT. WORKING!

And with good reason…

Because it’s all based on an OLD and broken relationship dynamic of the Win/Lose.

Who’s RIGHT?
Who’s WRONG?

Who’s being REASONABLE and who is being UNREASONABLE?

Then the person who is Wrong or Unreasonable (the Loser) is told they need to change (compromise). 

And if they won’t?
Then the only other answer is that either the “Winner” sucks it up and compromises or you separate because you just can’t agree. 

Does that sound like a Rock-Solid Marriage to you?

Does that sound like the kind of LOVE & APPRECIATION everyone wants?

It. Doesn’t. Work!

The Win/Lose Paradigm requires that someone LOSES each time.

COMPROMISE is just an arrangement to “alternate” who gets to win and who gets to lose each time. (like putting win/lose on repeat). 

But that only means that EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Someone is LOSING.

But even if you are the WINNER, doesn’t that mean that your spouse feels like they are constantly losing?

This dynamic can only go on for so long… 

Most folks start AVOIDING certain topics that end up in a fight.

Their list of “we can’t talk about that” starts to grow. 

They are constantly trying to PREVENT a fight or argument.

It can only go on for so long before someone GIVES UP.

Because no one wants to stay in a relationship where they feel like they are always losing (or always fighting not to lose).

The old & broken tactics of Avoiding, Preventing or Fighting… DO NOT WORK. 

 Proven Skill Sets.

Relationship is a skill set, and it CAN be learned
but the people dishing out old & broken “advice” don’t have these skill sets, so they can’t teach them to you…

and over 20 years ago, we were hanging by a thread in our relationship.


Paul was LITERALLY about to walk out the door!

You can watch more about our story in the videos on this page… but ultimately, in an effort to try to save our relationship, I made a unique discovery… 

It only takes ONE person to transform a relationship

 Fast forward 20 years, and Paul and I are not just teaching this, we are LIVING it!

We are the happiest we’ve EVER been. We have each other’s backs while COMPLETELY being ourselves, and we enjoy CRAZY amounts of wild passion (more than most people can even imagine…even though we’ve been together for over 25 years)...


And we’re doing it ALL in our 50s, with two kids, a business we operate TOGETHER, and a MASSIVE mission to help families by Changing the Way Relationship is Done®!

We’ve also helped thousands and thousands of people all over the world create their Rock-Solid Relationship and Bring Harmony Back to Their Home!

While some studies show that the current divorce rate for 1st marriages is around 50%. Second marriages are 60% - 67%. And 3rd marriages and beyond are at 73%-74%...

The students in our RelationshipU® program have had a mere 1% Divorce Rate over a 6-Year study period of student results!!

We have proven over and over that it IS 100% possible to transform your relationships when you have the PROVEN relationship skill sets!

Our Relationship Development Method is that skill set using our Method & Skills,
It only takes ONE person to get the skill set in order to create the results

THAT is how we know that if you don’t have the rock-solid relationship & harmonious home that you want (& deserve)... IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!!

Did anyone ever hand you the skills & tools to navigate ANY marriage issue into a win-win solution…

One where you AND your partner both authentically feel great about the outcome (no pleasing or pretending)?

Did anyone ever teach you how to ALIGN on things even when you don’t AGREE?

Was that covered in any of the romance novels, fairy tales, or romantic comedies you’ve watched?

Are ANY of the old & broken advice givers telling you the step-by-step process of how to do that?

Was that MODELED to you growing up?

If you’re like us and our students, the answer is a huge NO!

So don’t be hard on yourself!

No one ever told you this stuff…It’s NOT your fault!

Seriously, I want you to think of it like this…

I do not speak French. 

Is that “my fault”? Does that make me “BAD” somehow? Or stupid?

No, it doesn't! It just means I never LEARNED French.

There’s nothing WRONG with me. I CAN learn French. I just haven’t started learning French yet.

It’s the same with relationship skill sets. 

If you don’t have the relationship you really want, all it means is that you haven’t yet learned the skill sets you need to create it. That’s it!

Believe it or not, this is GREAT NEWS, because it means that EVERY human who is willing to learn and implement these PROVEN relationship skill sets can create results like these in THEIR relationship:

  • Talk to your partner about ANYTHING without fighting and get on the same page (...even if you can barely stand to be in the same room together right now)
  • SOLVE issues so they STOP repeating without compromise and without giving up (...even if you have never been able to solve it before)
  • Create ROCK-SOLID alignment between you and your partner, where nothing and NO ONE can come between you (...even if it currently feels like you can’t agree on ANYTHING)
  • Develop a peaceful & harmonious co-parenting relationship if you’re already divorced (...even if the two of you constantly butt heads over how to raise the kids or “whose week it is” if you’re divorced…or headed that way)
  • Heal & resolve those things you haven’t been able to get past without just “letting it go” or pretending you’re ok with it (...even if it’s been years or decades of unforgiveness)
  • Reignite the passion AND intimacy you crave!! (...even if you can’t remember the last time you were intimate)

It is NOT your fault that you don’t have these skills

The catastrophic rate at which today’s relationships are failing is a direct result of people NOT having the PROVEN relationship skill sets to navigate day-to-day situations with another human…

…without ALSO tearing down the relationship!

That’s why we are SO excited to introduce you to our Relationship Development® Method!

With Relationship Development, you get the PROVEN skills, tools, and strategies to navigate and SOLVE any and all of the challenges most couples face in their relationship…

And do it in a way that BUILDS UP the relationship (instead of tearing it down)!

For over 10 years, we have helped thousands and thousands of students, from around the world, to transform their relationships.

  • Save their marriage without couple’s work
  • Create a rock-solid relationship where nothing can come between you
  • Reduce & eliminate kerfuffles
  • Solve the challenges that have been there for years or decades, even the stuff on the “we don’t talk about that” list.
  • Empower you to bring harmony back to your home
  • Create the win-win, so you can both be on the same page
  • Heal the disappointments and betrayals that you haven’t been able to get past so you can be free of them
  • ​Understand their partner’s wiring and how they are wired differently
  • Get their needs met in their relationship in ways they were never able to before
  • Feel fully supported as a team
  • Navigate any conversation without fighting
  • Create alignment, even on things where you disagree
  • Solve the arguments and disagreements without yelling or silence
  • Reignite the passion or create passion that you never had together
  • Bring the fun and playfulness back
  • Gain their calm and confident energy when interacting with others
  • ​Feel ready & skilled to navigate whatever comes their way
  • ​Be the parent each child needs them to be
  • ​Create the marriage & the family that they always dreamed of
  • … and more


And if you are thinking… “that’s great, but you don’t understand what I’m dealing with over here, this just can’t work for me!”

  • Have 10+ Kids, Have No Kids, Have kids with Special Needs
  • Dealing with Recent Losses or Traumas
  • Are trying to recover from Infidelity
  • Have a partner recovering from Addiction
  • Dealing with Narcissism
  • Medical Challenges adding stress
  • ​Living apart due to work or military
  • Job Stress
  • ​Loss of work
  • ​Financial Stress or Bankruptcy
  • ​Extended Family Drama
  • ​Spouse doesn’t support your business or work
  • ​Separated already or near divorce
  • ​Different opinions on Parenting
  • ​Different opinions on Money & Budgets
  • Different opinions on religion, health, education
  • Different opinions on how to spend time
  • Different opinions on where to live
  • ​Different opinions on sex
  • Different opinions on who does what around the house
  • …and MANY more!


People the world over are actually giving up on love because they cannot figure out how to create and KEEP a loving, passionate partnership with another human!

Families are falling apart left and right…

All because no one ever taught us these skills!

That is, until NOW.

See, unlike us, YOU don’t have to figure out the relationship transformation skills, tools, and strategies all on your own…


Because we’ve already cracked the code for you!

Our Relationship Development Methodology includes the PROVEN skill sets we’ve developed over a decade of helping thousands and thousands of people…

Skill sets that empower you to solve relationship challenges in a way that builds UP your relationship (instead of tearing it down)!

That all by itself is pretty INCREDIBLE…

But you wanna know the BEST part?

The BEST part is that with our method…

It only takes ONE person to transform ANY relationship!

We do NOT do any couple’s work. Your partner does NOT need to do this with you!

That means YOU can do this and experience REAL RESULTS (as early as the SAME DAY), even if your partner wants absolutely NOTHING to do with relationship work and thinks it’s a complete and total waste of time…

And even if one (or both of you) already have one foot out the door!

PLUS, you can do it ALL without pleasing, compromising, changing who you are, or resorting to any other old, broken tactics that DO NOT WORK in today’s relationships!

  • You’re hanging by a thread in your relationship…
  • You’re trapped in a passionless marriage…
  • You’re heading for a divorce and need to get along for the sake of your kids…
  • You’re already in a happy marriage that you want to feel like you have “divorce-proofed” it…
  • You’re single and ready to find your forever love the RIGHT way…

Gain Immediate Access To Stacey & Paul’s PROVEN Relationship Skill Sets And Transform Your Relationship TODAY!

(Even If Your Partner Refuses To Change Or Do Any Relationship Work!)

Relationship Transformer® Classroom is an online-learning program, that allows you to get the PROVEN Relationship Development Method, skill sets, tools & strategies you need for the relationship you desire!

For the first time ever, this 10-month online class, allows you to work at your own pace, in the privacy of your own space and dive into our life-changing, proven online curriculum!

The Relationship Transformer Classroom will show you:

Finally understand why today’s relationships are falling apart at unprecedented rates (and why YOURS doesn’t have to suffer that same fate!) 

Eye-opening relationship truths that ensure you understand yourself, your partner, and your relationship better than you ever have before (get ready to have your mind BLOWN!)

Skills, tools & strategies you can IMPLEMENT to start transforming your relationship IMMEDIATELY (finally understand HOW to fix your relationship - even if your partner’s not on board with relationship work and thinks YOU are the problem!)

Seriously, take a look at all the relationship GOLD you get inside the Relationship Transformer Classroom!

Breaking the Chains of Demand Relationship

You’ll start with the foundation of our method. Get ready to have your mind BLOWN! 

Once you learn how to break the chains of Demand Relationship and shift the trajectory of your family’s legacy, EVERYTHING changes!

Unit 1 will help you unlock your ability to:

  • Be the happiest and most authentic self you’ve ever been
  • Relate to others in a way that BUILDS UP the relationship instead of breaking it down
  • INSPIRE the change you want to see in the people around you
  • Enjoy the peaceful and harmonious household you dream of
  • ​Create the Unshakeable Love and Unleashed Passion that you desire in your relationship
  • Use the Relationship Development toolbox to create the results you want in real life

Masculine & Feminine Differences, Part 1

In my experience of working with thousands of people, at least 50% of all Kerfuffles in any relationship are currently caused by Masculine & Feminine Differences that are INVISIBLE to you right now.

This is not only impacting your MARRIAGE in a huge way… it also impacts Moms & Sons and Dad & Daughters. 

It’s impacting your work, family and friend relationships.

Masculine & Feminine beings are WIRED differently. It’s a fact. Not my opinion. 

One is NOT better and one is NOT worse. 

Not only will you get the training to SEE these differences (that you are running into every day), but you will get the TOOLS to SOLVE the kerfuffles caused by these differences. 

The tools you will get will EMPOWER you to SOLVE the kerfuffles WITHOUT one of you having to be wrong and WITHOUT one of you having to CHANGE to be more like the other. 

Unit 2 will help you unlock your ability to:

  • See and understand the masculine and feminine differences that are causing kerfuffles, EVERY DAY. 
  • Finally get why your partner reacts to what you say and do in ways that COMPLETELY baffle and frustrate you
  • Understand why, even with the best of intentions, you and your partner are triggering each other all day every day due to masculine/feminine differences you aren’t even aware of
  • Relate to your partner using SKILL SETS for how THEY are wired, so you stop triggering the worst in them and start bringing out the BEST in them. 
  • ​See what your partner ACTUALLY means when they say the things they say (They use some of the same vocabulary you use, but it means something different in their wiring)
  • Understand that everyone does what they do for a reason. Some of your partner’s reasons have been invisible to you because you have been applying YOUR meanings to their actions/words. But they are a different being than you are. This is a huge relief. 
  • ​Gain the skills to eliminate some of the daily Kerfuffles you are experiencing… in as little as ONE day. 
  • ​…And MUCH MORE!

The Relationship Development Method, Measuring & Scorekeeping & Energy Types

In this unit, you get access to training segments from Relationship Breakthrough Retreat that we have NEVER EVER shared in ANY course…until now!

These exclusive hours from Relationship Breakthrough Retreat will teach you the Relationship Development Method and give you an EYE-OPENING look into how exactly your relationship got to where it is now. 

Unit 3 will help unlock your ability to:

  • Use the Relationship Development method and stay out of Demand Relationship
  • Reclaim your power in your relationships to create the outcome you want!
  • Get the solution to always feeling like you are GIVING more than you are GETTING! 
  • Understand how and why the people in your life react the way they do
  • ​Solve the disappointments and letdowns that you’ve been dealing with
  • Understand how each person in your family is WIRED & get the quick tricks for NOT triggering the worst in them. 
  • ​See the ACTUAL cause of why love FADES & what you can do to turn it around. 
  • And SO much more!

Making the Invisible - Visible, Shifting Your Perspective & 5 Tools to Breakthrough Anything

With Unit 4, you are starting to get the online curriculum CLASSES that have been in RelationshipU for nearly a decade! These have NEVER been seen by anyone other than RU students… Until Now!

We begin with the steps of our Relationship Transformation System®

As Zig Ziglar says, you can’t hit a target you can’t see!

If you cannot see things clearly or accurately, then NOTHING you do will work. And as the saying goes, “if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there!”

Unit 4 ALSO unlocks the SHIFTING class of our Relationship Transformation System!

Over the past 10 years of our RelationshipU program, SHIFTING is, hands down, the #1 most watched & re-watched class. Why?

Because, as you will learn, until you experience a SHIFT in your perspective, NOTHING can change for you!

Unit 4 will help you unlock your ability to:

  • Start creating predictable outcomes in your relationship because you can actually SEE the path to get there
  • Get crystal clear on your personal Relationship Vision, so you can be sure that the relationship you create is the relationship of your dreams
  • SHIFT out of perspectives that are keeping you stuck and miserable in your relationship
  • SHIFT into perspectives that both feel good AND pave the way for the changes you actually WANT in your relationship
  • ​Shatter some of the FALSE BELIEFS you have about relationships and your partner that are causing you UNNECESSARY pain… and see the TRUTH!
  • Create the BEST possible outcome in ANY situation, regardless of what’s going on
  • Get our 5 Tools to Breakthrough ANY block or challenge WHILE it is happening

Relationship Development STRATEGIES & Brick Conversation® Blueprint

Next, you are getting the STRATEGIES class of our Relationship Transformation System! (focused on strategies for interacting with others)

Yes, there have been lots of strategies already! AND, now that you’ve had a perspective shift, it’s time to dive into some more KEY strategies for interacting with your partner!

In this unit, we will teach you strategies for understanding differences in how people are wired AND navigating relationships where people just don’t get you.

You will also get our Brick Conversation Blueprint Course for navigating ANY conversation WITHOUT fighting. It’s like the Mad-Libs of Relationship Development. 

Unit 5 will help you unlock your ability to:

  • More deeply understand masculine/feminine differences and navigate them in a way that stops kerfuffles before they start
  • Enhance relationships in your life with people who don’t “get you” (such as the cynics and the naysayers who don’t understand your personal development journey)
  • Better navigate differences between yourself and important people in your life in a way that builds UP relationships (instead of tearing them down), WITHOUT making you OR the other person wrong
  • Talk to your partner about ANYTHING without fighting (including our Brick Conversation® framework and fill-in-the-blank script that you can adapt to YOUR exact situation)

Alignment, Synergy & The Sphere of Influence®

In this unit, you will get the SYNERGY class of our Relationship Transformation System!

This unit gives you the key tools and strategies to align with your partner as a rock-solid TEAM and manage the Big Three challenges that come between you: work, kids, and family of origin.

You will also get our tools for creating INFLUENCE with your spouse and kids… and how to build or REBUILD TRUST in your relationships!

Unit 6 will help you unlock your ability to:

  • Learn how to navigate life as a TEAM with your partner, so you start feeling rock-solid alignment and togetherness in your marriage
  • Become a POSITIVE influence in the lives of your spouse and kids WITHOUT being “the bad guy” or having to guilt, shame, convince, manipulate, beg, or blame
  • Have MORE positive influence in the lives of your spouse and kids than any other human on the planet
  • Get on the same page as your partner about ANY topic, including parenting, money, the house, work, family, time or anything else (including those subjects on your “we don’t talk about that” list)
  • ​Build or Rebuild Trust in any relationship… regardless of what has happened. (and prevent the breakdown of trust by learning how that actually happens)

Forgiveness, Start Anew, Laser Coaching With the Martinos & Navigating Family Drama

Wow! There’s a lot in here!

Ok, we start with the FORGIVENESS Class of our Relationship Transformation System!

Paul and I will guide you through our powerful 5-Step Forgiveness Process®! 

If you have been STUCK and unable to get past those betrayals or hurts in your relationship… this is the CURE!

The proprietary process we walk you through is something you have NEVER experienced before and NOT what you will be expecting.

If you have struggled to get into forgiveness in the past, this unique and powerful process will FINALLY help you do it! You deserve this freedom!

PLUS this unit gives you access to our 6-Step Decision Making Framework™ for predictably making good decisions with predictable outcomes…

And you get access to watch hours of Laser Coaching with me & Paul, so you can see the real-life application…

On top of all that, we also give you the tools to navigate the holidays and family drama with reduced stress and increased joy!

Unit 7 will help you unlock your ability to:

  • Understand the REAL definition of forgiveness (hint: it is not about “letting it go”)
  • Forgive decades of hurt and/or things like betrayal, infidelity, disappointments, feeling ignored or devalued…literally ANYTHING
  • Step into forgiveness in a way that will FREE you to live the life and love that you desire
  • Learn from REAL-LIFE answers to real-life student questions on how to apply everything you are learning to real-life situations
  • Reliably PREDICT whether the decision you’re about to make will lead to an outcome you actually WANT
  • Enjoy peace and harmony during the stressful holiday season

Masculine & Feminine Differences - Part 2, The ADVANCED Skill Sets!

This unit is MIND-BLOWING! I’m so excited for you!

MORE masculine & feminine differences that are impacting you every day! Yep, there are more (there are dozens and dozens more).

It’s time to dive into the TOP masculine/feminine differences you NEED to know…

AND we’re going to dive into the 2 most powerful Masculine & Feminine Dynamics in ANY relationship. 

Including one that is single-handedly responsible for your worst fights EVER and can actually TAKE DOWN a marriage all by itself!

We’ve covered a few masculine/feminine differences before, but not like these. 

This section will open your eyes to just how many kerfuffles you can stop before they start by simply SEEING and UNDERSTANDING these differences…including how they show up in you AND your partner!

Unit 8 will help you unlock your ability to:

  • See and navigate the TOP 5 masculine/feminine differences that are causing kerfuffles in your relationship every hour of every day, completely unknown to you OR your partner
  • Begin experiencing unprecedented levels of trust, passion, and healing, by getting the skill sets to navigate these eye-opening differences
  • Effortlessly uncover new heartfelt compassion for yourself and your partner that will make it SO much easier to understand and relate to them (and yourself)
  • Identify a key piece of masculine energy that is missing in most of today’s world AND bring it into your relationship so both you AND your partner can enjoy it for the INCREDIBLE gift it is
  • Finally understand why your partner is hearing something COMPLETELY different from what you are actually saying, and how to “speak their language” so they hear what you say as you intend it
  • Get the SOLUTION to the invisible dynamic that has likely caused the BIGGEST fights you have ever had. Nope, it wasn’t a disagreement. You’ve experienced this before and it’s coming for you again soon. You need to learn this…NOW!

Masculine & Feminine Energy, SPARKS! & Reignite the Passion!

Get ready for the next class in our Relationship Transformation System: SPARKS!

You’ll discover how and why sparks are actually created in a relationship (it’s NOT what you’re probably thinking!), AND how they set the stage for the Unleashed Passion you crave!

Unit 9 will help you unlock your ability to:

  • Ignite the sparks between you and your partner (or take them to new heights), even if you haven’t felt them in YEARS
  • Understand the KEY roles masculine energy and feminine energy play in creating sparks, and how to connect with YOUR authentic core energy so the sparks can fly
  • Inspire your partner to connect with THEIR authentic core energy (WITHOUT pushing, demanding, or “hinting”) to create even MORE spark
  • Understand the REAL reason passion seems to fade in a long-term love relationship, and what YOU can do to reignite it

Flirting, Playfulness & SENSUALITY!

Now that you know how to make the sparks fly, let’s talk flirting, playfulness and sensuality!

Fun and playfulness are missing in most of today’s relationships.

Yet they are the precursor to Unleashed Passion!

And it’s time to dive into SENSUALITY! Yes, there are tools & strategies to UNLEASH the PASSION! 

Unit 10 will help you unlock your ability to:

  • Navigate life’s tough moments with less stress and more peace
  • Welcome and ENJOY your partner’s playfulness (or inspire them to welcome and enjoy yours)
  • Get out of over-responsibility and into fun (even if your plate is OVERFLOWING)
  • See the REAL cause of why passion fizzles and how to reignite it WITHOUT the risks of rejection!
  • ​Learn why a SEX problem is RARELY a sex problem and discover what it IS
  • Get the Masculine & Feminine differences when it comes to passion and intimacy
  • ​Get the SOLUTIONS to reignite the passion and get BACK into the bedroom, hot and ready to be together again!

4 Incredible BONUSES!!

When you enroll in Relationship Transformer Classroom today, 
we’ve got 4 INCREDIBLY powerful bonuses for you...

Private 1:1 Strategic Assessment Session with an RDO Advisor [First 25 People to Enroll this Month]

Schedule your 1:1 Session with one of our RDO Advisors! 

On this private 1:1 session, you can share the biggest challenges that you are navigating in your relationship. 
You can tell them what’s the most important outcome for you to get by doing this work. 

They will guide you on what to focus on implementing first in our Relationship Development Method. 
They will show you the solutions that have already been proven to solve what you are facing and create the outcome you want.

We can only make space for 25 Students per month to get this bonus, so sign up today! 


How To Talk To Your Partner Without Fighting!

We’ve been doing this for a LOT of years, and we’ve lost count of how many times people have come to us after they tried to talk to their partner (their way) and it went HORRIBLY wrong…

Because they did not have the skill sets to have the conversation the RIGHT way!

In the How To Talk To Your Partner Without Fighting bonus, we will teach you the skill sets to navigate a big, uncomfortable conversation with your partner...


How to Create Cash Without Adding Stress to Your Relationship!

Sometimes the thing that adds stress to our marriage is the conversation about CASH.

We’ve heard from loads of people over the years that they WANT to do our program but they are AFRAID of their partner’s reaction if they invest in their marriage skills.

That’s why we created this class, so you can EMPOWER yourself to CREATE the cash you need for the skills you want, without adding stress to your marriage.

In this class, I will take you through the process of strategically mapping out your cash plan & give you stress-free cash solutions used by our students for years, so you can create the extra cash you need!

Money is actually the easiest challenge to solve…and I say that as someone who’s been broke before (more than once).

I’ll take a money challenge any day over a challenge in my marriage, a challenge with my health or a challenge with one of my kids!


Our Relationship Development PARENTING 
Quick Start Program®! 

Limited Bonus: Only Available THIS Month

I KNOW! This is CRAZY! 

Our Relationship Development Parenting Quick Start program has been CLOSED for over a year.

AND… I know you need this! You want the tools & strategies to parent in a way that inspires your kids to cooperate, without you having to YELL, nag or police them!

Our RD Parenting Quick Start program will give you some of our foundational parenting tools and strategies so you can create your harmonious household.

You WANT to have the kind of relationship with your kids where they COME to YOU, right?

Well, the Demand Parenting that you have been doing is NOT going to create that for you. It’s time to start getting the Relationship Development Parenting skill sets.

Our Relationship Development Parenting Quick Start program is regularly $1,997. 

You can get FREE access to the digital version of this entire course as a bonus when you join the Relationship Transformer Classroom program this month!

For about 10 years, this online curriculum has been inside the Relationship Breakthrough Quick Start, RBR and RelationshipU programs. This is how much those have been priced at when purchased separately…

  • RelationshipU Online Curriculum
  • Breaking the Chains of Demand Relationship
  • ​Masculine & Feminine Differences, Part 1
  • ​​Relationship Development Method
  • ​Measuring & Scorekeeping
  • ​Perspective Shifts, Seeing it Differently
  • ​Strategies for Inter-acting
  • ​Brick Conversations (talking without fighting)
  • ​Creating Alignment Even When You Don't Agree
  • ​Influencing Your Partner & Kids
  • ​Rebuilding Trust
  • ​5-Step Forgiveness™ Process
  • ​Laser Coaching Replay with The Martinos
  • ​Reducing Drama with Family of Origin
  • ​Masculine & Feminine Differences, Part 2
  • ​M/F Differences for Conversations & Communication
  • ​Reigniting the Spark
  • ​Passion & Intimacy
  • Quick Start Program Online Curriculum
  • Bonus #1: Private 1:1 Session
  • Bonus #2: How to Talk to Your Partner
  • Bonus #3: Cash without Stress
  • ​Bonus #4: RD Parenting QS (Limited Avail.)

$14,997 Regularly
$997 Regularly
Not Sold Separately
Not Sold Separately
Not Sold Separately
$1,997 Regularly

 $17,991 Total

 $17,991 Total Tuition 

Payment options available. Click here to book a call with an RDO Advisor to learn more.

3 Easy Payment Options

Single Payment
Just $3,800
Biggest Savings!

2-Pay Option
$2,000 Today
2 Monthly Payments

(Total $4,000) 

3-Pay Option
$1,492 Today
3 Monthly Payments

(Total $4,476) 

10-Day Guarantee

What's Included For You:

  • RT Classroom Program                           Regularly $15,994
  • Bonus #1: Private 1:1 Session with RDO Advisor
  • Bonus #2: How to Talk to Your Partner
  • ​Bonus #3: Cash Creating without Stress
  • Bonus #4: RD Parenting QS                   Regularly $1,997

Total Regularly  $17,991 

Today Just $3,800

(79% OFF Sale!)

10-Day Guarantee:

If our program is not for you, just email us for a full refund.


WHOOO HOOO! Turn your RT Classroom INTO RelationshipU!
Apply your RT Classroom Tuition towards Your RU Tuition with RU Cash!!!

Within Your 1st 60 Days in RT Classroom, if you decide you want to move UP to RelationshipU, we will CREDIT your RU Tuition for the amount you already paid in for RTC so far!

So there’s NO LOSS, you get into RU and then you get RT Classroom for FREE!

If you’ve read this far, PLEASE understand that the dream relationship you desire will NOT happen on its own.

Things will NOT just “work themselves out” if you “just give it some more time.”

Without the relationship skill sets to solve the challenges you are navigating, things tend to get WORSE, not better.

You are here…you’ve read THIS far…and with these proven skills, tools, and strategies, YOU have the power to change the way YOUR relationship is done!

That means you CAN have the Rock-Solid Relationship & Harmonious Household you dream of…

WHEN you are willing to learn and implement the skill sets it takes to create them.


To get the skill sets it takes to solve the relationship challenges standing between you and the relationship of your dreams, click the button below to get immediate access to the Relationship Transformer® Classroom, and start transforming your relationships TODAY!

Sending love,


What Students are Saying (and a little bit about us)...


Do You Offer a Guarantee?

YES! You get a 10-day guarantee. If our program is not a fit for you, we’re not interested in you staying in it. We are happy to refund you. Just email us at [email protected] within 10 days to request a refund.

This Seems Like a Lot of Content. How Long Will This Take Me?

Each month you will receive another Unit of lessons. Each months lessons total about 5 hours of training content! (that's a lot of solutions). There are approximately 720 hours in a human month. So 5/720 = .006944. That is LESS than 1% of the TIME you have in a month for this work. If you can't focus LESS than 1% of your time on your marriage and family... our methodology probably is not a fit for you. 

How long do I have with the curriculum?

10 Months. This is a 10-month class. At the end of 10-Months, the curriculum goes away. If you’d like to stay in the class longer than 10 months, we have programs that give you more time that you can enroll in. Just email us at [email protected] to ask about your options.

Do I have to get my partner to do this with me?

NOPE! Yippee! You do not have to convince them or drag them into this. This course is JUST for you! 

What if my partner ALSO wants to do this course?

The course you are enrolling in is for ONE person. If your partner would also like to become a student, they can email [email protected] to inquire about getting access. 

Can I get Expert Relationship Support if I get Stuck or Need Help?

YES! We will help you get enrolled in RelationshipU when you are ready to get our “Done With You” services to go with the online curriculum. In RU, we provide 24/7 support, every day.

***Within the 1st 60 Days of Your RT Classroom Program, you can APPLY the entire tuition paid for RT Classroom towards your RU Tuition if you choose to move up into RU! And then you got RT Classroom for FREE!

What are the dates & times of the trainings?

All online curriculum is delivered to you inside the Private Member’s Area. There are NO live trainings. You can go at your own pace.

Can I See the Terms & Conditions?

YES! Absolutely, you can view the Terms & Conditions of program participation here.

Why Do You Curse in Your Programs & Events?

In our content, programs and live events, we use ADULT language (cursing) as a strategic tool.
The work that we do is beyond Relationship Education; we create Transformation.

One of the many methods we use to do that is to use real, raw language in our work. When people "polish up" their language, they "polish up" everything and they don't get to what's real.

We know how to get results. Our RelationshipU Program has had a 1% Divorce Rate and a 99% Success Rate over a 6-year study period. We know what we are doing and we know how to get these results repeatedly.

There is cursing in our programs and plenty of cursing and adult language at our live events. (This will never change). We use cursing strategically, and for effect, similarly to how a comedian would use cursing to create an outcome for the audience. Our cursing and adult language is never directed towards a person or group or in any way demeaning towards anyone.

If it triggers you, we invite you to please consider this... Instead of asking the world to change to not trigger you, pull out the trigger so that you are not thrown around by it. 
No one should go through life having a FEAR OF WORDS.

But that is absolutely your decision to make. We encourage you to open your mind so that you, too, can get the benefits that so many others around the world already have! As we say "Everyone lives in the results of the decisions that they make. There are no exceptions."

Relationship Development® ©2023 | 2976 E State Street, Ste 120-1013, Eagle, ID 83616 | [email protected]