In our content, programs and live events, we use ADULT language (cursing) as a strategic tool.
The work that we do is beyond Relationship Education; we create Transformation.
One of the many methods we use to do that is to use real, raw language in our work. When people "polish up" their language, they "polish up" everything and they don't get to what's real.
We know how to get results. Our RelationshipU Program has had a 1% Divorce Rate and a 99% Success Rate over a 6-year study period. We know what we are doing and we know how to get these results repeatedly.
There is cursing in our programs and plenty of cursing and adult language at our live events. (This will never change). We use cursing strategically, and for effect, similarly to how a comedian would use cursing to create an outcome for the audience. Our cursing and adult language is never directed towards a person or group or in any way demeaning towards anyone.
If it triggers you, we invite you to please consider this... Instead of asking the world to change to not trigger you, pull out the trigger so that you are not thrown around by it.
No one should go through life having a FEAR OF WORDS.
But that is absolutely your decision to make. We encourage you to open your mind so that you, too, can get the benefits that so many others around the world already have! As we say "Everyone lives in the results of the decisions that they make. There are no exceptions."