"PUlled from the vault"

get Our 5-Day Workshop program free!

only available for a few days!

Experience Less Stress & More Love In Your Relationship, Starting Tonight...

Discover the Proven Ways to Create Your Peaceful, Harmonious Household, Even If Your Partner REFUSES To Change Or Your Kids Are Out of Control!

Online Workshop $67... Today: FREE 
Enter Your Info Below to Get Free Access 
for a Limited Time! 

By clicking, "YES! I Want FREE Instant Access!", you agree to our Terms and Conditions.

Here’s a sample of what you can expect when you join us for this FREE 5 Day Workshop:

  PROVEN skills to become the LEADER of your household and collaborate on raising your family while becoming the BEST version of yourself

  Collaboration strategies for getting on the same page with your partner, kids, and anyone else in your life - WITHOUT having to compromise!

  How to STOP creating the results you DON’T LIKE and how to create great results instead - again, WITHOUT having to compromise who you authentically are

  Visibility on the things you’re doing that cause friction in your relationships - the things you don't even know you’re doing but are causing the most pain

  Tools to navigate any moment, at any time, in any situation, with any person and feel peaceful and authentically great about it with NO FRICTION

  Strategies to increase the level of confidence, happiness, and fulfillment you get from your relationships with your family, friends, and EVERYONE else in your life

  Visibility on the things you’re doing that cause friction in your relationships - the things you don't even know you’re doing but are causing the most pain

  Tools to navigate any moment, at any time, in any situation, with any person and feel peaceful and authentically great about it with NO FRICTION

  Strategies to increase the level of confidence, happiness, and fulfillment you get from your relationships with your family, friends, and EVERYONE else in your life

  Tips for SOLVING challenges as they come up instead of trying to prevent, avoid or control (NOT solving these challenges increases the tension and pressure in your relationship)

  Tools and strategies to help you catapult yourself onto the next step of your yellow brick road to your Oz - no matter where you are on YOUR yellow brick road

  And So Much More!!

In this Training You Will Learn About the skillsets, 
tools, and strategies needed to Reduce Friction & Increase Harmony NOW

From the creators of RelationshipU. 
Students in our RelationshipU program have had a 1% Divorce Rate and a 99% Success Rate over a 6 Year study period of their results. 

Are you ready to discover how YOU and you ALONE can reduce (or even eliminate) the friction causing issues in your relationship...even if your partner is as stubborn as they come?

Have you lost hope you and your partner can EVER work things out?

Are your kids driving you crazy and you’re at the absolute end of your rope?

Then don’t miss this EXCLUSIVE opportunity to get our expert, proven answers to your relationship & parenting questions with our Free 5 Day Workshop!

We have helped thousands of people, all around the world...now it's YOUR turn to get this solution!

This 5 Day Workshop is perfect for you if:

  • You're tired of having the same fights over and over…
  • You or your partner have one foot out the door…
  • You want to reduce the friction in your relationship with your partner, kids, and other people in your life...all while becoming a happier version of yourself.
  • You lost hope and you're not sure if you and your partner can EVER work things out
  • Your kids are driving you crazy and you’re at the absolute end of your rope

Here's the Truth:

There are invisible dynamics sabotaging your relationship in ways you can’t even begin to see...because you, like everyone else, are trapped in the damaging, broken relationship dynamics that have failed us for thousands of years…

Dynamics like compromise, pleasing, “my way or else,” and SO many more.

There’s a reason some studies say that divorce rates for first marriages are around 50%...and even HIGHER for second and third marriages.

There’s a reason some studies show couple’s counseling has a divorce rate as high as 80%.

What most people are doing, and what has been modeled to us, is NOT WORKING.

Register for the Relationship Transformer Free 5 Day Workshop and hear REAL LIFE tools and strategies for REAL LIFE relationship and parenting problems.

Get the training you need and HOW to apply it...FREE. 

why are we Giving This Training away For Free?

We are a mission-driven organization who is here to help.

After over 10 years of serving families.... 60 live events... thousands of people through our programs... we want to help YOU!

About 7,000 people went through this program when held the program last year. Since then, it's been CLOSED and locked in the vault! 

So many people RAVED about this program and the eye-opening results they got! So we decided to open it, just for a few days, and let you have FREE ACCESS!

Remember, this is only available for a few days... and then it's going BACK IN THE VAULT for good!  AND you’ll get exclusive access to the real-life tools and strategies we reveal in each and every question we answer.

The 5-Day Workshop Answers Real-Life Questions:

Questions like:

  • I've tried everything to get my partner to change but nothing works, what can I do?
  • My kids don't listen. I've tried punishments, consequences, rewards, yelling...no matter what I do, they don't listen. What else can I do?
  • My partner and I can't talk about XYZ without fighting, but I don't want to just bulldoze ahead without their agreement or there will be hell to pay later. I feel trapped here. What options do I have?
  • After a disagreement, my partner freezes me out. It could be days. There are things going on and I need his input. I'm not sure if he even likes me anymore. When I ask him that, he says I'm being ridiculous (which I think means he doesn't like me). What can I do here?
  • I get triggered when my partner cuts me off in conversations. I've really tried not to let it bother me, but at this point I feel like 'why even bother talking'. How can I not let that bother me?

That means there's something for you in every question we answer. 

If you are ready to discover how YOU and you ALONE can reduce (or even eliminate) the friction causing issues in your relationship...even if your partner is as stubborn as they come...

Don’t miss this RARE opportunity to learn the skills required to reduce Kerfuffles and increase harmony now!

Our Programs Change Lives!

Can I do this another time?
Nope. We are ONLY opening this program for a few days this month and then it goes back in the vault.
Will this work for me if my partner won't take the training?
We don't do any couple's work. Your partner does not need to do the training.
Can my kids attend this workshop?
NOPE. All of our events are 21 Years and Older only. No Children Allowed. We talk about adult topics and use adult language and this is not kid-appropriate.
Can I share this with my friends?
YES!!! Please share this page with them, so they can sign up!
Why do you use adult language in your training? 
In our content, programs and live events, we use ADULT language (cursing) as a strategic tool. The work that we do is beyond Relationship Education; we create Transformation. 

One of the many methods we use to do that is to use real, raw language in our work. When people "polish up" their language, they "polish up" everything and they don't get to what's real. 

We know how to get results. Our RelatioshipU Program has a 1% Divorce Rate and a 99% Success Rate. We know what we are doing and we know how to get these results repeatedly.

There is cursing in our programs and plenty of cursing and adult language at our live events. (This will never change). We use cursing strategically, and for effect, similarly to how a comedian would use cursing to create an outcome for the audience. Our cursing and adult language is never directed towards a person or group or in any way demeaning towards anyone.

If it triggers you, we invite you to please consider this...Instead of asking the world to change to not trigger you, pull out the trigger so that you are not thrown around by it. No one should go through life having a FEAR OF WORDS.  

But that is absolutely your decision to make. We encourage you to open your mind so that you, too, can get the benefits that so many others around the world already have! As we say "Everyone lives in the results of the decisions that they make. There are no exceptions."
My marriage is hanging by a thread, can this fix it?
NO. This 5 Day Workshop cannot fix a marriage that is hanging by a thread. But our methodology can absolutely help you fix any relationship, including a marriage hanging by a thread or heading for divorce. After this workshop, please get into our RelationshipU program which comes with tools, training and "DONE WITH YOU" services. RU is designed to help you get the results you need for where you are and what you are facing.
Will I have access to the training forever?
Nope. These 5 days of training will expire 7 days after you register.

The 5-Day Workshop program is online. The training lessons are delivered inside our student Member's Area, and you can go at your own pace within the program period.
The day you register is Day One, and you can consume the training lessons anytime you would like to within the 7 days that you have access.

The lessons in the Member's area EXPIRE after 7 days.
This happens automatically for everyone inside the 5-Day Workshop program. There is no way to change this for one individual.

I have another question that is not answered here...
Send us an email please at [email protected]